Reporting & Publications
We continue to provide resources that pave the way to nurture collaborative relationships with Iwi, Maori Providers, and Government Agencies.
Māori housing crisis | Can Covid-19 bring solutions?
New Zealand is in the midst of a housing crisis, and Māori are particularly hard hit. On top of that, COVID-19 has robbed people of their jobs and homes. Desperate for somewhere to live, whānau are returning to their ancestral homelands, only to find substandard housing and overcrowding, sometimes 14 people in three bedrooms.
This report by Cheryl Holloway of Co.Creators summarises the lockdown discussions. It recognises that government cannot fix the system alone. And neither can Māori. They must keep working together and tackle a number of challenging questions along the way.
Submission Archives
Te Matapihi submissions archive is an accumulation of media submissions/ documents that have accumulated over the course of our organization's lifetime.