The National Māori Housing Conference is a pivotal gathering that brings together iwi, government, and community stakeholders to address housing challenges and drive innovative solutions. Originating from a 2010 hui in Rotorua that led to the establishment of Te Matapihi, the conference launched in 2012 at Waitangi and has since become a biennial tradition.
Hosted across Aotearoa, each event highlights Māori housing leadership, showcases best practices, and strengthens partnerships. From funding announcements to Indigenous-led strategies and papakāinga successes, the conference has grown into a powerful platform for advocacy, collaboration, and tangible progress toward better housing outcomes for whānau Māori.


Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd October

Ngāpuhi invites you to explore the kaupapa of KOTAHITANGA—unity in Māori leadership, innovation, and collaboration—as a mechanism for co-creating transformative solutions for the future of Māori housing.

Join us in Waitangi this October for engaging discussions, expert panels, and workshops that inspire action. Connect with iwi leaders, policymakers, and housing innovators as we share insights, strategies, and solutions to drive sustainable, whānau-centred housing outcomes. Together, we can strengthen partnerships and build a future where Māori housing aspirations are realised.

“We have done too much not to do more. We have come too far not to go further.” – Tā Hemi Henare



We are now welcoming sponsors and partners to join us in this kaupapa. Sponsorship opportunities include Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze, and tailored sponsorships such as the Conference Dinner Sponsor, Excursion Sponsor, and Exhibition Spaces.

If your organisation is committed to Māori housing and community-driven solutions, we invite you to partner with us for this significant event.


  • 2023 Conference Hosted by Te Arawa

    Te Arawa’s Conference theme was based on the whakataukī “Tukua mai kia piri, tukua mai kia tata”. Meaning - may we come near, may we come close, may we unite in bringing together our experiences of past housing/living. Facing our present circumstances and forging a better future.

  • Beautiful New Zealand Landscape

    2021 Conference hosted by Ngāti Kahungunu

    The theme of providing shelter and a foundation for whānau was developed by Ngahiwi Tomoana, chair of Ngāti Kahungunu Iwi Incorporated. His concept encourages us to support, build and nurture communities that put people first. Quality, affordable housing is important for whānau. It not only fulfills a basic human need for shelter, but it also contributes to the overall wellbeing of the whānau.

  • New Zealand Suburb Aerial View

    2018 Conference hosted by Waikato-Tainui

    The prophetic words of King Taawhiao provided the theme of the Conference:

    Maaku anoo e hanga i tooku nei whare. Ko ngaa pou oo roto he maahoe, he paaete. Ko te taahuhu, he hiinau. Me whakatupu ki te hua o te rengarenga. Me whakapakari ki te hua o te kawariki.

  • New Zealand houses on coastline

    2016 Conference hosted by Tauranga Moana

    The fourth biennial National Māori Housing Conference 2016 was held at the ASB Baypark Arena, Tauranga and hosted by Tauranga Moana. The theme of the Conference was “Ma whero ma pango ka oti ai te mahi” (Collaboration and Strategic Relationships).

  • New Zealand rocks on coastline

    2014 Conference hosted in Whanganui

    The Whanganui Iwi Housing Forum and Te Matapihi he tirohanga mō te iwi Trust, in conjunction with Hon Tariana Turia, hosted the 3rd National Māori Housing Conference.

    The key focus of the conference is to build the capacity of Māori housing providers and to share Māori housing successes from the Whanganui region and around the motu.

    “Whaia te pae tawhiti kia tata, te pae tata, whakamaua, kia tina - Fulfil aspirations by completing what has commenced”