Hononga Pūmau

Key Relationships

Key Relationships

Ministry of Housing & Urban Development

He kāinga ora, he hapori ora - thriving communities where everyone has a place to call home. Te Matapihi continue to work in partnership with MHUD, delivering continued outcomes for the Māori Housing Sector.

Todd Foundation

Our philanthropic sponsors, Todd Foundation, resource communities to create sustainable, long-term social change for the most excluded and disadvantaged children, young people and families. Te Matapihi acknowledge and thank Todd Foundation, for the support to sponsor our initiatives which continues to see the Māori housing sector prosper!

Te Puni Kōkiri

The Māori Housing Network has been set up to support the energy, enthusiasm and entrepreneurship in the Māori housing sector with information, advice and practical support to build capability. The Network also manages funds to support projects to improve housing outcomes for whānau Māori. As the peak body for Māori housing, Te Matapihi closely aligns its activities to support the objectives of He Whare Āhuru: The Māori Housing Network.

Community Housing Aotearoa

Community Housing Aotearoa (CHA) is the peak body for New Zealand’s community housing sector. Te Matapihi have a close relationship with CHA, and together work to support Māori and other housing providers around the motu.