National Māori Housing Conference 2023
Video Archive

In March 2023, Ngāti Whakaue and Te Arawa hosted the largest National Māori Housing Conference to date and showcased the innovation of the rohe in providing unique housing solutions for whānau Māori. The ingenuity of the hosts and event organisers included the live-streaming and recording of a portion of the conference, which has been made available through this archive.
We acknowledge the preparation and efforts of all who were involved in the 2023 National Māori Housing Conference and look forward to a continuation of this important event in the Te Tai Tokerau region.
Wayne Knox
Wayne Knox, General Manager for Te Matapihi he tirohanga mō te Iwi Trust, presents key milestones achieved since the previous National Māori Housing Conference and the priorities for Māori housing.
Shamubeel Eaqub
Shamubeel Eaqub, Economist and Partner at Sense Partners, presents critical topics within housing economics, including the current housing crisis and the actions that must be taken to resolve it.
Annette Sykes
Annette Sykes, Lawyer and Director of Annette Sykes & Co Ltd, presents the Wai 2750 Housing Policy and Services Inquiry.
Willie Te Aho
Willie Te Aho, Advocate for Māori housing and horticulture, presents projects, progress and current issues facing whānau Māori affected by Cyclone Gabrielle.
Tipene Lemon
Tipene Lemon, Deputy Chief Executive of Kāhui Tū Kaha, presents Arohanui ki te Tangata; the collective of tangata whenua Māori housing providers focused on ending homelessness through He Ara Hiki Mauri.
Jamie Tuuta
Jamie Tuuta, Chair of Taranaki Maunga, presents key insights into Ka Uruora, a collective Iwi trust focused on helping members achieve financial independence.
Maia Ratana
Pūrangakura kaimahi Maia Ratana, India Logan-Riley, and Hanna-Marie Monga present He Whare Mō Wai a for-rangatahi-by-rangatahi podcast and video series
Ngarimu Blair
Ngarimu Blair, Deputy Chair of Ngāti Whātua Orākei Trust, presents the multiple housing solutions being progressed in response to the needs of whānau.
Panapa Ehau
Panapa Ehau, Executive Director of Hikurangi Enterprises, presents Māori Off-Site Manufacturing (OSM) and the organisation’s innovative approach to housing whānau.
Adele Barsdell
Adele Barsdell, General Manager of the Manaaki team at Tauhara North no.2 Trust, presents the history, vision and current initiatives of the team and the wider organisation.
Nireaha Pirika
Nireaha Pirika, Co-ordinator at Ngāti Uenukukopako Trust, presents the organisation's ongoing mahi within the transitional and kaumatua housing spaces.
Tania Pouwhare
Tania Pouwhare, General Manager at Auckland Council, presents the Southern Initiative and working with Māori suppliers from the construction sector.
Matangireia Yates Francis
Matangireia Yates Francis, winner of the 2022 Student Design Awards, presents his project 'TŪHONONGA: Co-occupying with Earth and Sky'.
James Te Puni
James Te Puni, CEO of Te Āhuru Mowai, presents key insights into providing community housing.
Malcolm Short
Malcolm Short, Officer of the New Zealand Order of Merit and Company Director for One Foundation in Rotorua, addresses the conference audience.
Rihi Te Nana
Rihi Te Nana, Rangahau Māori Partner at the Unitech Institute of Technology and Gena Moses-Te Kani, Co-chair for Building Better Homes, Towns and Cities, provide insights into the priorities, projects and vision for the organisation.
Mayor Tania Tapsell
Mayor Tania Tapsell shares closing remarks at the conclusion of the National Māori Housing Conference.
Panel: Building Effective Partnerships
Andrew Crisp, Lauren James, Willie Te Aho and Geoff Williams discuss building effective partnerships within the Māori housing sector.
Panel: Affordability
Ray Morrison, Jamie Tuuta, James Te Puni and Shumabeel Eaqub discuss the topic of affordability within the Māori housing sector.
Panel: Design That Reflects Who We Are
Matangireia Yates Francis, Mihi Tibble, Gena Moses-Te Kani and Rihi Te Nana discuss design which reflects who Māori are at the National Māori Housing Conference 2023.
Hon. Marama Davidson
Hon. Marama Davidson addresses the audience of the National Māori Housing Conference 2023.
Hon. Megan Woods
Hon. Dr Megan Woods addresses the conference audience at the National Māori housing conference
Rawiri Waititi
Rawiri Waititi, Co-leader of Te Paati Māori and MP for Waiariki, addresses the conference audience.
Hon. Willie Jackson
Hon. Willie Jackson addresses the audience of the National Māori Housing Conference 2023.
Tama Potaka
Tama Potaka, National Member of Parliament for West Hamilton and associate spokesperson for Māori housing, addresses the audience for the National Māori Housing Conference 2023.