2017 Briefing to the Incoming Minister (BIM)

Te Matapihi Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Housing and Urban Development 2017

The purpose of this briefing is to introduce Te Matapihi he Tirohanga mō te Iwi Trust (Te Matapihi) as the national peak sector body supporting Māori housing, and to highlight issues of significance to the Māori housing sector that we believe warrant Ministers’ attention.

Te Matapihi operates as an independent voice for Māori to advance better Māori housing outcomes. To achieve this, we perform systems advocacy to improve opportunities for Māori to develop their land for housing and improve their housing situations. We also develop mechanisms to build the capability and capacity of our sector, and produce research that supports evidence-based policy development.

Te Matapihi advocacy to the government includes influencing: the creation of new laws or changes to current laws, the priorities and plans of government and non-government agencies, the policies and procedures that relate to services or systems, and the way in which government and non-government agencies provide services. We also endeavour to ensure there is a Māori voice on any advisory panel whose scope impacts the Māori housing sector.

We believe that Ministerial leadership with regard to the following key issues will provide a significant impact on Māori housing outcomes:

  1. Ongoing commitment to implementation, monitoring and evaluation of He Whare Āhuru He Oranga Tangata – the Māori Housing Strategy, developmentof 2018-2020 priority actions, and continuation of the strategy beyond 2025.

  2. Appointment of a Minister for Māori Housing or Māori Associate Minister for Housing and Urban Development.

  3. Continuing and increasing the current appropriations for Māori housing currently administered by the Māori Housing Network – Te Puni Kōkiri.

  4. Revitalisation of the Māori Housing Act 1935.

  5. Establishment of a Māori Housing Statutory Unit to operate as a landing placefor all current and future investments for Māori housing outcomes (and administering in a coordinated manner), lead strategic implementation of HeWhare Āhuru, He Oranga Tāngata – The Māori Housing Strategy, and developMāori housing policy.

We also highlight the following strategic priorities for Te Matapihi for Ministers’ information:

  1. Working with legal counsel to lodge an overarching Te Matapihi claim as part of the ‘Social services, social development and housing’ kaupapa inquiry, scheduled to commence early 2018.

  2. Coordinating public and private stakeholders to reform Kāinga Whenua and Māori housing finance more broadly, and to resolve ongoing barriers to owner development of Māori land.

  3. Increasing capacity and capability within the sector, including through training and practitioner development opportunities, and through the development of a service delivery arm with the ability to assemble multi-disciplinary project teams, aggregate expertise, and expedite project delivery.

  4. Establishing a Māori housing research entity, capable of producing quick turn-around research and independent analysis, to promote the development of evidence-based policy and support Māori communities to access research expertise.

  5. Developing terms of reference for ongoing formal engagement with central government housing agencies, the Minister(s) of Housing and Urban Development and appropriate advisory functions.


2020 Briefing to Incoming Ministers (BIM)


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