Mō Mātou

Who We Are

About Us

Te Matapihi He Tirohanga Mo Te Iwi Trust (“Te Matapihi”) is the independent national peak body for Māori housing established by the Māori housing sector in 2010 as “a window offering a vision to the people”.

In 2011, Te Matapihi was registered as a charitable trust to:

  • Advocate for Māori housing outcomes at a national level.

  • Offer an independent voice for the Māori housing sector.

  • Assist in Māori housing policy development at central and local government levels.

  • Support the sector's growth by providing advice, facilitating collaboration, and sharing high-quality resources and information.

Our organisation was officially launched as the national peak body for Māori housing at the watershed 2012 National Māori Housing Conference in Waitangi.

We are now uniquely positioned to engage with the government and Māori. For more than a decade, we have successfully built relationships across the Māori housing sector, brokered solutions with the government, and developed an acute awareness of the critical interventions urgently needed to address the Māori housing crisis. Our board and staff affiliate with several Iwi, are distributed across all of Aotearoa and provide a wealth of knowledge and direct experience at all points along the Māori housing spectrum.

Moemoeā-Our Vision

“He mana kāinga, he kāinga ora - Thriving Māori whānau”

Thriving whānau are at the heart of our vision, and we understand that a thriving home, he kāinga ora, is essential to achieving and maintaining whānau wellbeing. ‘Mana kāinga’ is about whānau having the power to choose, influence and create their home environment.

Pūmanawa-Our Mission

“Kia para ai te huarahi ki te ūkaipō - Forging Māori housing pathways”

Our mission emphasises the cultural and spiritual aspects of Māori housing solutions. To thrive as Māori, we must connect to our pito and whenua, with ūkaipō being fundamental to our well-being and sense of belonging. The whakatauki, “Ka mate kāinga tahi, ka ora kāinga rua” (when the first home languishes, the second home sustains), highlights the importance of home to whānau resilience.

Our Objectives


    There is an increasing supply of quality housing solutions led by Iwi, Hapū, Whānau, and Māori providers.


    Collective action within the Māori housing sector creates positive impact for Whānau.


    Te Matapihi provides a trusted national voice on Māori housing, influencing positive system change.

We aim to ensure we remain effective in supporting Māori housing aspirations for our people


Te Matapihi plays a key role in improving the quality of Māori housing services and ensuring more consistent service provision. It keeps the Māori housing sector up to date on recent developments in practice and policy and helps to build relationships and networks across services.

Te Matapihi will provide policy, advisory, brokerage and support services for the Māori Housing and Homelessness Sectors.